What does the word hatha really mean? How do you actually pronounce sauca or urdhva mukha svanasana? What do we actually mean when we say “take a vinyasa“? The ancient Indian language of our beloved yoga practice is poetic and rich. But when when we practice yoga–or teach it–we aren’t always pronouncing the sounds correctly or even understanding what we’re saying. To fully honor the tradition of yoga, it’s important to know the basics of Sanskrit. If you’re a yoga teacher, or a serious student, this is a workshop you definitely want to attend!
In this weekend course, you will:
- gain background knowledge on the language of Sanskrit
- learn the proper pronunciation of each letter
- learn how to properly pronounce common yoga words (including the names of the postures and popular mantras)
- come away feeling more confident to use Sanskrit in conversation and in your classes
We’ll take breaks from study to practice asana and chanting, creating a well-balanced meal of learning and embodiment!
This workshop is led by Folk SF teacher Rosa Lynley (RYT 500), who has 12 years of study in the lineage of Advaita Vedanta and Sanskrit. This workshop is primarily for teachers, but is open to all dedicated practitioners. It will include lecture, language practice, chanting, and asana.
Saturday, March 2nd, 2024 | 1:00 – 5:00pm
Sunday, March 3rd, 2024 | 1:00 – 5:00pm
*In person at Folk Noe Studio*
Price: $240 or $200 before February 17th, 2024
- Gain unlimited access to all Folk teacher trainings, workshops, and classes with our Yoga School All Access Membership!
- Folk Members and Alumni receive 25% off of the full price.
This course provides 8 Elective Contact Hours for Folk’s 300 Hour Program [8 Yoga Alliance® CEUs].
For more about our 300 Hour Teacher Training CLICK HERE!