
Fresh Classes & New Teachers!

Hiking Yoga Yoga Garden SF san francisco group class fun tree pose yoga teacher Emma Davis arms open heart open inspiration alamo square park outdoor yoga hike sf

Along with Hiking Yoga, we’ve got some fresh new classes lined up for you this Spring taught by incredible faculty that we’re excited to introduce!

Katy Hooks Yoga Garden SF Power Fusion Yoga Sculpt Salabasana Photographer Ross McIntire @Ross.Fit


(Not Your Regular) Vinyasa | Fridays 5pm & Sundays 8am 

with Katy Hooks

This is a fun and challenging class that will work both the body and the brain. This fusion flow will get your blood pumping and your muscles shaking by incorporating movement techniques from pilates, functional movement, fitness training, and slow power vinyasa. In this class, you will build strength through your entire range of flexibility, develop incredible body control and movement confidence, and learn how to move fluidly through your transitions. You will also learn about some of the most cutting-edge research in physiology and biomechanics as you help your body level up to the next stages of your movement practice.



new classes at yoga garden sf group of powerful women laughing fitness models yoga dance magic dancing yoga studio


Yoga, Dance, Magic!™ | Fridays at 7:45pm

with Emma Davis

Yoga, Dance, Magic!™ is an adventure into awakening your true self. We begin with invigorating yet gentle yoga, activating your breath with intuitive postures. Through free form and non-choreographed flow to upbeat curated tunes, we’ll transform together as we move into an epic dance party! The night closes with candlelit restorative poses and a sweet savasana. No yoga mats, shoes, or previous yoga or dance experience necessary. Open to all ages. Come as you are to be who you are!




Wall Ropes Yoga | Tues/Thurs at 12:00pm

with Max Kopeikin

Wall Ropes Yoga is also a good way for students to try some poses, from balancing to inversions, that they’ve never done before. The ropes and the wall will offer security you may have lacked in the past. This class is appropriate for people with no experience with Wall Ropes Yoga.






Garden Barre

with Lisa William, Erin Hiltbrand Hall, & Angelique Alvarez

Garden Barre is a total body workout that incorporates light free-weights, bands and cardio to ensure students’ heart rates elevate throughout the class for optimal health. No muscle is left un-toned! Mats are required in this fitness-based class.




Iryna Lymar Yoga Garden SF Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Photographer Ross McIntire @Ross.Fit


Ashtanga | Wed/Fri at 6:15am

with Iryna Lymar

This dynamic, physically demanding practice synchronizes breath and movement to produce an internal heat designed to purify the body. Ashtanga yoga, with its many vinyasas, is great for building core strength and toning the body. Prepare to sweat as you briskly move through a set sequence.