
Garden Tea Party & Closet Swap

You’re Invited!

WHAT: Garden Tea Party & Closet Swap

WHEN: Sunday, April 23rd from 2:30 – 4:30PM

WHERE: Water studio (Level 2) @ Yoga Garden SF

In the spirit of rejuvenation and decluttering for Spring, we are hosting a community tea party with a chance to refresh your closet! Bring your clothes, shoes, workout wear, bags and jewelry to trade for some new treasures.

And bring your friends: the more the merrier! We’ll have tables and racks available to lay out clothes and nibbles and tea to accompany your browsing.

Road Rules for Clothing Swap:
+ Everything should be clean and in great shape.
+ Outré is fine – you never know what someone else is going to love! #hotpinkjumpsuit
+ Anything that remains at afternoon’s end will be donated to Goodwill