
Special Labor Day Class


Join Katrin at Yoga Garden SF for some deep relaxation this Labor Day weekend.

Restorative Level 2 yoga incorporates challenging, highly therapeutic poses with extended holding times. The mind is invited to slow down and watch the breath while the body sinks ever deeper into each asana. Think: Hanging out in ‘Restorative Scorpion Pose’. Some yoga experience is required.

Katrin holds the highest level of teaching certification with Yoga Alliance and is an experienced Yoga Therapist. She is known to step out of the boundaries of her yoga mat when it comes to creating a sustainable and uplifting yoga practice.

Sign up here.

Also, see the special LABOR DAY schedule.

To penetrate the hardest armor, use the softest touch.
Yielding melts resistance. Density fill with light.
Good work accomplished without effort.
In silence the teachings are heard.
In stillness the world is transformed.

-Haven Trevino, The Tao of Healing