
Practice Yoga For A Cause!

Yoga + World Water Day Benefit Class 
with Meredith Holt | March 25, 2018

Practice a water-inspired vinyasa flow to bring clean, drinkable water to schools in less privileged parts of the world. This special class will focus on fluidity, endurance, and flexibility through focused concentration.

All proceeds will go to Watering Minds, an organization that works directly with local organizations in India and Haiti. Clean water is a gift that keeps on giving.

Come together with yogis around the world to raise awareness and money to bring clean water to school children!

[button type=”flat” shape=”rounded” size=”small” class=”yoga-garden” href=”https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=41&stype=-7&sTG=29&sVT=108&sView=day&sLoc=0&date=03/25/18″ title=”Example”]BOOK HERE[/button]


RISE Yoga for Youth’s 5th annual Yogathon

hosted by Mission High School | April 7, 2018 

108 Sun Salutations * Live Music * Food & Refreshments * Silent Auction * Raffle Prizes

Funds raised support our programs bringing yoga, mindfulness, and wellness eduction to underserved youth in the San Francisco Bay Area!

[button type=”flat” shape=”rounded” size=”small” class=”yoga-garden” href=”http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001j1XXwEaarL0xXI69VS6sc_KJBXUPh6eBQFfxTttwRJImOiCHXQAKk5XL6FIWUuxuFQzOSm7zohRfSiOrOHRgHWqBZaq_10llNpjP79Ie87VkYgmIW4UlGjM3KydH_Ck8fsolwPu-jgylpTz3fmk4l0HlwWyPiZygjfVDdPL46E-adyLhFGcxFQ==&c=2CVkQM5yDvS2PSn2mz8p3CYW524xPTQ-IsbB_L6Z6vEJvrv0pZyTmQ==&ch=Q9D1vbb7swVryYihFHCI503ymn1feJB8weaAngMW_sWIjjQKnwUYQA==” title=”Example”]LEARN MORE[/button]