
Smell divine… after yoga class!


Dear friends,

aromatherapy yogaI had the pleasure of checking in classes at the front desk of Yoga Garden SF tonight. Of my tasks and responsibilities at the studio, greeting students is my easy favorite. I watch sometimes pensive, hurried, anxious dispositions transform in an hours time into their twinkly-eyed and grounded best versions of self.

SO those wise enough to take brief refuge during the chaos of life to come home to their body in a supportive community on a yoga mat will get no judgement from me when the physical fruit of their labor- namely, SWEAT, is very apparent on their exit from the studio. Of course!

That said, I have to comment that Aromatherapy Flow class on Wednesdays at 5:00pm and 6:30pm leaves a delightfully lingering scent in the studio.

In the article, How Aromatherapy Can Enhance Your Yoga Practice, we are reminded that yoga and aromatherapy are holistic and ancient practices, both offering physical, mental and spiritual benefits. Not only are the senses enthralled by the beautiful aromas during practice, but the focus and effects of yoga can be intensified by the use of specifically-chosen essential oil blends.

Brilliant. I hope you take the opportunity to check it out Aromatherapy Flow at YGSF. Let us know what you think!

