
Featured Teacher: Elaine Liu

Elaine Liu yoga

As part of our merger with Moxie Yoga, we are excited to welcome Elaine Liu to the team!

Tell us about yourself! What are some things that your students might not know?

Born and raised in NYC so I don’t know how to ride a bike, swim or drive! In addition to being an instructor, I am a certified massage therapist and certified nursing assistant with hopes to go into nursing school in a few years!

How did you become interested in yoga?

I got a groupon for a studio a block from my apartment. Was immediately addicted after the first class!
Tell us about your yoga journey. What style did you start in and with whom do you study now?

I started my yoga journey in 2013 when I went to a hot yoga class and became obsessed. The instructor, who happened to be the owner, was very generous with his hands on adjustments, which I had never experienced before. I knew I wanted to teach when I noticed other instructors not being as attentive, which drove me nuts. After my 200 hr training, I moved over to Moxie in 2015, which had just opened a few blocks away from my apartment. I found a new style that I loved and decided to partake in their now-defunct 50 hr teaching training. In 2017, I became an instructor at Moxie.

Describe your teaching style. What can folks expect when they attend your class? 

My style has been described as “fitness-y” — I enjoy strength training, and my favorite instructors have been more “fitness-y”. I love providing hands on adjustments and seeing students progress in their practice. My class is chock full of glutes and core work.

Any exciting projects or plans on the horizon?

Hopefully nursing school in a couple of years!

That’s all for now! Follow Elaine on Instagram: @elaine.moxie.

Practice with Elaine