
THE BHAGAVAD GITA: Action and Devotion in a Complex World

with Sean Feit

The Bhagavad Gita is one of the core texts of the yoga tradition, and one of humanity’s most beloved and beautiful spiritual books. It contains practical instructions for yoga practice and daily life, meditations on the nature of God, and a deep exploration of the question of how to live a good life, framed as a conversation on the battlefield on the brink of a terrible war. We will read the whole Gita, in Stephen Mitchell’s accessible and poetic translation, discussing the “four yogas”: Karma, Jñana, Raja, and Bhakti, and wrestle with the challenging and powerful teaching on renunciation of the fruits of action.

Required text:

  • The Bhagavad Gita: A New Translation by Stephen Mitchell

Course Schedule:

  • Fri, Sept 11 – 9:00am-5:30pm
  • Sat, Sept 12 – 12:00pm-5:00pm
  • Sun, Sept 13 – 12:30am-5:00pm

Register Now

Tuition is $345, or $295 on or before August 20.
YGSF Members receive 10% off the regular price of this workshop.
Alumni receive 15% off the regular price of this workshop.


This course provides 18 Elective Contact Hours for YGSF 300 and/or 18 Yoga Alliance® CEUs.

For more about our 300 Hour Teacher Training CLICK HERE.




About Sean Feit:

IMG_1117 Sean Feit (SEP, E-RYT500) teaches Buddhism and Yoga with a focus on the integration of meditation, philosophy, and self inquiry with trauma resolution and social justice. He has practiced in Zen and Theravada Buddhist lineages, practiced as a monk in Burma, and is authorized to teach by Jack Kornfield. Other primary teachers include Alice Joanou (yoga) and Steven Hoskinson (Somatic Experiencing/Organic Intelligence).


Sean teaches at Yoga Tree, Yoga Garden SF, East Bay Meditation Center, and Piedmont Yoga in the SF Bay Area, and has been a guest teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center, where he completed the Dedicated Practitioner’s Program and the Mindfulness Yoga and Meditation Training, and is a member of the Community Dharma Leader program. Sean is a PhD candidate at UC Davis, writing on Buddhist contemplative practice and experimental dance, and lives in Oakland, enjoying a thriving community of yogis and artists.