
Workshop: Hearts, Hips, and Relationships


Explore the dharma of relationships, followed by a heart opening asana, pranayama, and meditation practice.

We are always in a relationship, be it partner, parent, sibling, spouse, friend, food, money, or our own bodies. These relationships are gateways to take us to the Yoga of Relationship – the union of our “Big S” self and our “little s” self. Lean into the path of love as we explore the dharma of relationship.

Join Jean Mazzei for this heart opening and enlightening view on relationships! Class begins with discussion and dharma talk followed by an asana, pranayama, and mediation practice to open your hips and heart facilitating an appreciation of self love, love for others, and love for this very special path of Relationship. So bring your questions and your yoga mat!


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This workshop will explore:


  • The relationship between second (sex) and fourth (unconditional love) chakras
  • Sex and higher consciousness
  • Conscious communication with partners
  • Self talk that leads to self love and appreciation
  • Breaking habits that keep us stuck in the past and out of love
  • How to turn a negative into an avenue for growth
  • How to use asana practice into a practice that cultivates union both on and off the mat

Tuition is $85 or $75 before January 5th.YGSF Members receive 10% off the regular price of this workshop. Alumni receive 15% off the regular price of this workshop.

This course provides 4 Elective Contact Hours for YGSF 300 and/or 4 Yoga Alliance® CEUs.


About Jean Mazzei:

Jean Mazzei, (E-RYT 500), has logged over 10,000 teaching hours. Often called “teacher’s teacher,” she is an expert in the subtleties of yoga sadahana (practices), and bringing the practices to life off the mat. Her philosophy is to inspire students to better understand themselves and support them in discovering who they really are. In her practical approach to yoga, it is Jean’s belief that one of the keys to enlightenment is to literally “lighten up” so having fun is always a part of the process. Her sense of humor and commitment to non-judgment provide a safe place for students to explore, break boundaries, and release layers of physical, emotional, and psychic weight.

She inspires and supports everyone in finding the path that is right for them. Jean’s quest for healing herself and finding the truth within has guided her education. Jean’s studies include four years with Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen in BodyMind Centering, 14 years with master healer and metaphysician Dennis Adams, yoga with Dr. Albert Franklin (TKS Desikachar lineage), B.K.S. Iyengar, Baron Baptiste, Rod Stryker, Ana Forrest, and Dharma Mittra. She is currently studying the ancient Tantric teachings of the Sri Vidya lineage with Pandit Rajmani Tigunait and Rod Stryker. Being of the school of “Whatever Works,” she believes that one size does not fit all when it comes to yoga. Learn more about Jean here.

Read her Featured Teacher article here!