
Yoga & Ayurveda for Self Renewal

ChaseElizabethwith Chase Bossart and Elizabeth Cunningham Bossart

Ready to feel like you again? Ready for the change of season?

The ancient sages of India saw that every season has a unique influence and purpose which affects how we move and feel. As the cold of winter subsides and the warmer, wetter months of spring unfold, our bodies and minds also shift. Undergoing their own thaw, the body and mind naturally respond to this welling forth of life by initiating outward movement and growth. If we know how to respond and nurture ourselves during this seasonal change, we can take advantage of this great opportunity to transform our hearts, minds, and behaviors.

Join us for this special workshop including:

  • āsana, breathing, and meditation practices for the spring season
  • Ä€yurvedic foods & Yogic practices for nurturing well-being
  • practical YogasÅ«tra concepts appropriate for springtime reflection
  • some delicious Ä€yurvedic treats for spring and self-renewal
This course provides 5 Elective Contact Hours for YGSF 500 and/or 5 Yoga Alliance® CEUs


For more about our Advanced Yoga Teacher Training CLICK HERE


Tuition is $95, or $75 when you register on or before April 7th.