
21 Day Challenge

21 Day Challenge practice yoga each day for 21 days and win a prize of a meditation cushion yoga garden sf
It only takes 21 days make a positive change in your life. 

Begin a new habit and commit to your best health; body, spirit and mind!  Attend a yoga class at Yoga Garden SF for 21 consecutive days and win a beautiful meditation cushion for your home practice!

Here is what to do in order to win:

  1. Write your FULL name on the community poster-board located on the 2nd floor of the studio.
  2. Document your progress through the month with a star sticker to mark each day you attend class.
  3. When you complete 21 days of consecutive practice, check in with the front desk for next steps on how to claim your prize!

This yoga challenge runs April 22 – May 26, 2018.

Share your progress and accomplishments with us and the YGSF community on Instagram @yogagardensf and tag #21dayyogachallenge2018 – Best of luck!