
Featured Teacher: Saeeda Hafiz

saeeda hafiz yoga

As part of our merger with Moxie Yoga, we are excited to welcome Saeeda Hafiz to the team!

Tell us about yourself! What are some things that your students might not know?

I am published author – ‘The Healing: One Woman’s Journey from Poverty to Inner Riches, a food, family, and yoga memoir’

How did you become interested in yoga?

It’s been an inner calling since college.

Tell us about your yoga journey. What style did you start in and with whom do you study now?

Sivananda, Hatha, some Hatha flow, and Restorative

Describe your teaching style. What can folks expect when they attend your class? 

I start off slow and pleasantly layer on difficulty with each individual listening to their body. We take our cues from what the body needs that day to assist each participant in engaging in a practice that is most beneficial for them at that time. Om Tat Sat.

Any exciting projects or plans on the horizon?

More teaching and speaking engagements to various groups about self-care, the Yogic Diet, and Restorative poses.

Anything else you’d like to share with the Yoga Garden SF community?

Let’s have fun learning and sharing!

That’s all for now! Visit Saeeda’s website and follow her on Instagram: @saeedahafiz.

Practice with Saeeda