

Saeeda Hafiz

Saeeda Hafiz yoga

Saeeda Hafiz

RYT 500 | Teacher 

Saeeda Hafiz is a yoga teacher, author, and wellness expert who has been teaching yoga since 1993. She has certifications from the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers, the Natural Gourmet Institute, and Restorative yoga training with Judith Lasater, as well as a degree from Temple University. As a holistic health educator with the San Francisco Unified School District, she focuses on sharing her knowledge of physical and mental wellness with diverse groups. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Since January 1990, Saeeda has been experiencing the power of her yoga practice and the benefits of eating a whole foods diet. Her initial encounter with this holistic lifestyle led to a personal transformation that ultimately led her to become a certified yoga instructor and holistic nutrition educator for more than 25 years. Because of this powerful transformation, Saeeda realizes that life is too important to take seriously, so fun and love are at the center of her teachings.

She has appeared on various podcasts, radio, video and television programs and has been featured in several national and regional publications, both nationally and internationally. Her public speaking engagements have educated the public in yoga, holistic nutrition, and healthy living from coast to coast.

Visit Saeeda’s website and follow her on Instagram: @saeedahafiz